About us

Phil I am still a deer in the headlights here.  The Login I tried to just type Topwrench.net and login there I am not sure if we didn’t set up that access or should I always login to blue host not the actual wordpreess website?

What do I do about the domain, the old website, FTP login?  data, what to do if I change hosts what happens to the site, backup, wordpress login, 

admin rights, editor rights, admin rights

how to add my video and do I actually run all of them on the website or should they be links and ran thru a service like vimeo? You Tube, or? so the site runs faster?

What and why.

TopWrench is here to help mechanics achieve more and faster success in their careers.  Yes you could spend your entire life learning these lessons on your own but imagine how much further along you will be if you learn from some of the most successful mechanics now!   

There are so many things we all wish we would have known sooner, TopWrench is practical advice, they talk about a few things I had already learned the hard way, explained a lot of topics I have wondered about but did not know who to ask and showed me many things that I had never even thought about and now am much better prepared if they come up in my career.